Pondview Software

Integrated Application Systems

Order Entry Application - Converted an existing Microsoft Access Order Processing application to Visual Basic.NET with SQL Server using ADO.NET.  Architected the new system using object technology to manage customer, order, and line item data.  Designed and implemented separate classes for each data type.  Included access to Authorize.net for credit card payments.  Automatically generate customer emails.  Added a credit card swiper for over the counter orders.  Create customer and order documents using Crystal Reports.

Product Inventory Management System – Developed an integrated product management system using C# and SQL Server.  Linked product management with the Order Entry application.  Used the .net web client to automatically upload data and product images to the web server using MySQL and php.

Diamond and Gemstone Inventory Manager Application – Developed and implemented an application using C# and SQL Server to manage both the diamond and gemstone inventories.  Linked the diamond and gemstone inventories to the Order Entry application.  Automatically uploads stone data, image files, and diamond certifications to a MySQL database on the web server.   Continued to use O/O design techniques.

Mold Management System – Developed a system to manage the 12,000 plus molds inventory, including a built in key word search capability.  Beginning to link molds with products.  Software was developed using C#.  Integrated with MySQL, SQL Server, and serialized data file for rapid loading.

Business Tracking Intranet - Developed and implemented a business reporting and analysis Intranet using C# and .NET Web Services.  Tracking sales and cash flow dollars with hits on the web site, as well as late shipments and internal database table maintenance.

Integrated SQL Server with MySQL databases – Used .net web client coupled with php routines on the OpenBSD web server to upload SQL Server data to the web based MySQL database as part of the Product Management System and the Stones Management System.

Database Driven Web Site – Dynamically generate content specific web pages for new creations, in-stock products, diamonds and gemstones (www.raru.com).  Used style sheets and php server side includes to minimize redundancy reducing support costs.

Excel Based Business Analysis - used SQL Server queries to source Excel spreadsheets for business analysis.

Integrated Class Library – developed a series of common class modules to support the above applications.

System Management / Database Administrator – provided system management and database administration support for the above applications.

(Skills Used: C#.net, Visual Basic.net, ADO.net, SQL Server, MySQL, PHP)

deSignet International - Grand Island, NY

PC and Networking Support

Upgraded Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office.

Replaced various hardware components, disk drives and motherboards, including re-building systems and re-installing software where required.

Upgraded the existing Windows NT 4 Domain Controller to a Windows 2003 Server.  Configured new server to include mirrored 120 GB disks plus a 20 GB tape backup.  Deployed Active Directory as part of the migration.  Migration included Mas90 Accounting software, True North mail software, and user file server.  Provided protection against file loss through mirrored disks and daily tape backups.  Recently integrated a 320 GB USB hard disk for system backups.

Designed network configuration for the building expansion into second building.  Purchased cables, switches and patch panels for 19-inch rack, installed cat 5e cabling, patch panels and switches, and implemented a seamless LAN covering both the existing and the new building.  Moved the NT Server to the new data closet in the new building and deployed network based printers.

Migrated the Boston Church Directory database to a Linux based Web application.  Installed MySQL on Windows, exported key tables from the Boston Church Directory to MySQL.  Build a Linux system with MySQL, Apache Web Server, and PHP and then copied MySQL database to the Linux system.  Developed and tested a Web Application using PHP and MySQL.  Migrated the tested application to a Linux Server on the Web at www.egcbcd.com

Upgraded Boston Church Directory Access Database, eliminating unnecessary or redundant information.  Developed a Windows Form Prototype Query Application using C#.NET.

Emmanuel Gospel Center - Boston, Massachusetts, STL Westfield - Westfield, Massachusetts

Microsoft's .NET Frameworks Course Instruction and Tutoring

Taught the .NET Frameworks Fundamentals (programming in C#) and the Visual Basic.NET Programming courses.  Integrated ADO.NET programming with SQL Server, MySQL, and Microsoft Access databases, as well as Web Service development into each course.

Homework included using a text editor and command line tools to link and build a calculator application linking local and strongly named modules.  Advanced homework included building a windows form application and using Visual Studio.NET to build a web client and a web service application which displays and updates data from an Access database.

Provided tutoring, reviewing course materials and in completing programming homework assignments.

Daniel Webster College - Nashua, New Hampshire

Electronic Data Deliverable

Developed an Electronic Data Document using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access to deliver environmental test results to customers as interactive Excel spreadsheets.  The Excel spreadsheets are ready for data reporting, evaluation, and analysis.  Customers are able to compare specific sample data with various state standards as desired.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, ADO.)

Severn Trent Laboratories - Westfield, Massachusetts

Missing Person Database

Expanded and enhanced Microsoft Access based Missing Persons Application, previous developed for the Eastern Territories to also support the Western Territories.  Standard letters are created and populated with case specific data using word objects.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, and VBA.)

Salvation Army Western Territories - Long Beach, California

Defined Benefit Workbook

Worked as an Actuarial Application Developer developing an Excel Actuarial Workbook as part of the Ford Motor Company Defined Benefit Implementation Team.  Used Visual Basic to create a Participant object and Participants a collection of Participant objects.  (Skills Used: Visual Basic (VBA), Excel, Sybase, Microsoft Access, and ADO.)

Fidelity Investments - Marlboro, MA

Missing Person Database

Developed an Eastern Territory Missing Persons Application using Microsoft Access with VBA.  Developed an interactive windows application for the Social Services Database and also for a Program Management System using Visual C++, Object Technology and Microsoft Access.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access, Word, VBA, Visual C++ and Windows 95/98.)

Salvation Army Eastern Territories - Nyack, New York

Boston Church Directory

Developed an interactive windows application for the Boston Church directory using Visual C++, Object Technology, and a Microsoft Access database.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access, Visual C++.)

Upgraded Boston Church Directory Access Database, eliminating unnecessary columns, converting to current version of Access.   Developed a Windows Form Prototype Query Application using C#.NET.  (Skills Used: C#.NET, Microsoft Access.)

Migrated the Boston Church Directory database to a Linux based Web application.  Installed MySQL on Windows, exported key tables from the Boston Church Directory to MySQL.  Build a Linux system with MySQL, Apache Web Server, and PHP and then copied MySQL database to the Linux system.  Developed and tested a Web Application using PHP and MySQL.   Migrated the tested application to a Linux Server on the Web at www.egcbcd.com.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access, Linux, MySQL, PHP, Apache.)

Emmanuel Gospel Center - Boston, Massachuestts

State Tax Reporting Workbooks

Worked directly with Financial, Revenue Management, and Tax Reporting management personnel, developing point solutions using SQL Server, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel.  Developed a Visual Basic tool for comparing Customer data across three SQL Server databases, reporting problems using an Excel spreadsheet.  Created DTS scripts to load and manipulate data.  Developed an intelligent spreadsheet using Excel, VBA, and ADO with SQL Server where SQL queries are stored and executed from cells on the spreadsheet.  Developed a tool for downloading SQL Anywhere databases from CD-ROM, verifying the data, and then loading the tables into a SQL Server database.  (Skills Used: SQL Server, Visual Basic, Excel, Microsoft Access, ADO, SQL Anywhere, and Sybase.)

essential.com - Burlington, Massachuestts

Prospective Customer Projects Status Reporting

Developed a self-mailing form to report forecasting data using Excel and VBA.  The completed form is mailed to the database location at the click of a button.  When the form is opened, a second button is clicked to automatically update a Microsoft Access database.  Button activated is state based.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, VBA.)

Compaq Computer Corporation, Stow, Massachusetts

Server Survey Database

Developed an Access database to support data entry and reporting for the Metlife Server Survey.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access.)

Metlife, Boston, Massachusetts

Order Management System

Developed an Order Management System using Microsoft Access.  Used Microsoft FrontPage to develop an intranet based browser-reporting capability and Excel for dynamic reporting.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Access, Microsoft FrontPage, Excel, VBA, and Windows 2000.)

deSignet International, Inc - Grand Island, New York

Database Reporting System

Developed and modified an extensive library of SQL Server stored procedures to cube the SPS Systems database.  Developed a series of Excel based reports and charts using Visual Basic for applications.  The charts used SQL queries to retrieve data and then format the output into PageMaker readable files.  (Skills Used: Microsoft Excel, SQL Server with Stored Procedures, Visual Basic for Applications.)

Strategic Power Systems - Charlotte, North Carolina